GBIO framework:
At the root of the GBIO framework lies the culture focus area, which puts in place the necessary elements to turn biodiversity information into a common and connected resource—stable and persistent storage, pooled expertise, the culture and policies to support sharing, and common data standards.
Photo: Ueda K (2020). iNaturalist Research-grade Observations. iNaturalist.org. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/ab3s5x accessed via GBIF.org on 2020-06-02. https://www.gbif.org/occurrence/2542916683
Open access and reuse culture
Enable data sharing by default
Promote open sharing of data by standardizing practice via public funding and other incentives, and through proper attribution and recognition of primary data resources, data creators and curators, including credit for individuals as well as institutions.
Data standards
Ensure data can be accessed, interpreted and reused between systems and across disciplines
Develop and maintain a set of flexible and interoperable data standards for easy mobilization of all classes of biodiversity data.
Persistent storage and archival
Create stable data infrastructures that preserve and maintain all biodiversity data
Establish a distributed network of data repositories for all types of biodiversity data, with consistent approaches to metadata, identifiers, licences, tools and web services.
Policy incentives
Create a framework of goals, rules and procedures that actively encourages sharing and reuse of all biodiversity data
Ensure that public policies, legislation and funding initiatives at all scales combine to reinforce this strategy and support its individual components.